Wednesday, May 26, 2021

In My Garden.

 It's Wednesday so time to update on my balcony garden.

I took the seeds from a cherry tomatoes that we had at home and look at that, they are growing like crazy. I will wait until they are little bit bigger and then separate  the seedlings

Beans in my big containers:

Green onion by the window:

More beans:


Basil seedlings from my seeds I saved last year:

More tomatoes:

Lettuce, and the small pots are tiny red peppers, again I saved the seeds last year:

I had a sweet potato in my pantry that was sprouting so I cut off the growing part and put it in the dirt and here it comes, also chives on the side:

Bush beans:

And kale, this is indoor because the moment I take any cabbage like plants out I get caterpillars so it stays in side on the window, it's a dwarf kale so it won't be huge:

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