Saturday, January 11, 2020


Making some veggie broth. I made 9 1L jars, few will stay in my fridge for everyday use and the rest will go to the freezer. 

Friday, January 3, 2020


Yesterday I made little catnip toys for my cats, its very simple, all you need is piece of fabric, ( I used fleece because that is what I have at home), and catnip. I put small amount in the middle, roll it and tie it. They love it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


My journey to less waste is continuing, the cleaning products make the most garbage so I'm trying to make all at home with things that I already have. Cleaning or disinfecting wipes are one of them, I used jar that I had at home, some fabric cut into squares, vinegar and lemon peel. they are great for wiping all your counters, the wipes just go to the laundry when you are done and this way I don't create any garbage, and the lemon peel goes to the compost.