Wednesday, January 20, 2016

In my Kitchen.

About a week ago I had some really bad celery, it wasn’t crispy and it started to turn yellow. I cut off all the yellow parts, (they went to compost) and used the middle, better parts for a soup. I was left with just the bottom part and decided to do little experiment. In a small shallow bowl I put some cold water and put the celery piece in, I also added carrot tops. Its seating on my kitchen counter where is warmer then on the window and I have a LED light above my sink so I leave it on. Now week later new celery is growing and even the carrots are growing, next will be parsnip for some fresh parsley. 


  1. That's great! I will try that! Shirley

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  3. It is amazing what you can do with your kitchen. Though it looked like you were just trying things out but this was really something that turned out to be a payday. I would love to try it just for the sake of it though my kitchen window does not have that much access to direct sunlight but then again, I really have nothing to lose.

    Lovella Cushman @ Perfection Plumbing
