Monday, September 7, 2020


 Yesterday was a beautiful day and a busy one too. I cut some herbs for drying, made two loafs of bread and some scones. I enjoyed a tea on my balcony and in the evening we went for a walk. I also planed a week of schoolwork for my younger daughter and did some meal planning. I listened to an audio book and read a bit too. Lately I spend lots of time listening to books while I work and actually created a reading challenge for myself but I will make a separate post about that.


  1. Narobiłaś mi apetytu z tym pieczeniem, chwilowo jestem zarobione ale od listopada zabieram sie ponownie za pieczenie chleba i bułek.
    Fajnie masz zagospodarowany balkon. Mój też jest malutki.

    1. Dziekuje i zycze smacznego, domowy chleb jest pycha i ten zapach.
