Monday, December 30, 2019

Simple stove cleaning.

Stove was always my nightmare to clean, a specially around Christmas time when there is an extra stuff spilling, more cooking and baking and the oven makes all the spills extra dry. I tried few different way to clean it and I find the best, simplest way to clean. My stove is clean right now so I can't show you how it works but next time it is dirty I will make sure to snap some pictures.
I use only two simple ingredients that everyone most likely already has at home: baking soda and vinegar. 
I got small spice jar and filled it with the baking soda, this way it is easy to sprinkle the soda on the stove and then I spray it with the vinegar, let it bubble for a moment and wipe it with a reusable cloth, rinse it under the water and keep wiping until its clean. Works wonderful. 

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, you don't know cleaning wipes from SC Johnson :P They also work great, I discovered them recently in my company's store :D You can clean whole house with them!
