Garden is growing taller everyday, my marigolds are so tall that I can't see my carrots any more, the potatoes have some bugs on the leaves so I spray them with vinegar and water and I put in more marigold seeds in so maybe the smell will keep the bugs away. Here is our trouble maker:
I had a big jar that I got on a garage sale and on the way home I broke the lid so I put some dirt in it and planted oregano:
I had to put string for the sweet potatoes, now this corner is getting really hard to water because of all the sticks and now the strings:
The 3 small pots had a spider plants in them but they grew so much that the roots were coming out so I put them in a bigger pots and took them inside and here I planted more oregano:
New onions:
I also have small mint:
Window boxes:
My balcony from one end:
And the other end, the bucket is under the AC, I collect the water from it and use it water my plants:
And here are my indoor plants on the living room windows, this is my lemon that I planted from a seed:
This is pineapple:
My kids room:
And my bedroom: